Archive for the ‘happiness’ Category

Due to some discussion about race issues in my family, I am putting up our family credo touching on who we let into our circle.
Whites, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, Germans, Swedes, Scots, Irish…get the point?
My family is (proven blood only, there may be others) Scottish, Yugoslavian, English, German. My father was the second child born in this country after his mother fled Yugoslavia when WWII was brewing. Some of my family came here earlier, during the time of slavery and revolution. Who’s to say I don’t have African-American blood due to a slave owner raping one of his charges? I think a huge amount of white Americans would be shocked to find out they have black ancestors.
My family also welcomes gays, bisexual, lesbian and transgender people. If God didn’t want them, why would he make so many of them?
Last but not least, I embrace all beliefs and love learning and talking to people about theirs. I respect all and take a little of each one for myself. Catholics, Muslims, Baptists, agnostics, Wiccans and others.
I take you at face value. If you are a good person and do good things I am with you even if you perform customs or rituals I don’t understand, eat food I know nothing about, read a book I don’t know or dress a certain way. A good person is a good person. A bad person is a bad person no matter what their belief. You were welcome in my circle until you prove you don’t belong here.

It was by far the oddest setting she had ever experienced.  The room was full of Democrats and Republicans, energetic, idealistic youth, middle-aged mortgage holders with job woes and the calmer, slower elderly battling arthritis and other ailments. It was not her definition of an ideal party.

She watched from  her corner perch. People flowed through the kitchen, dropping off dishes full of treats as they exchanged hugs. Wine and conversation flourished. Music exploded from a nearby speaker as young cousins ran hand in hand. Doctors, Lawyers and Judges clinked glasses with waitresses, mechanics and store clerks. Drinks flowed, food disappeared and laughter grew. One by one the group migrated to the festive living room.

It was here people handed each other brightly wrapped packages. It was here they related stories of their past. It was here they passed out more hugs than gifts. It was here she realized that she was going to like the family she married into. It was here she discovered the values that shaped the man she loved. It was here that she realized she loved her new family.  It was here that her husband pulled her into the group for a hug. It was here that she realized the perfect gift didn’t have to come from a store. It was the ideal party.

Join the Friday Fictioneers, a wonderful group of writers who submit a 100 word story or poem based on a weekly photo. This is flash fiction at it’s finest. You can read submissions or add your work HERE.  Comments welcome, as long as they are respectful and helpful, not hateful.

Congrats Madison! Marriage is cool with the right person!

Category: Fiction//Drama

Words: 84

Rating: PG

Marriage  was death, a stance she had clung to for years. Then came Jim. The last four years had been fun, comfortable and full of love, thanks to him. He had proposed seven times, but this time was different. Something in his eyes seemed to say “we either take this step, or we’re through.”

Realizing she couldn’t live without him, she said yes. That was yesterday, this morning, she took a deep breath and entered the shop, hoping to find a gown. Realizing she was opening more than one door.

Submit a story or poem, inspired by a weekly photo in this fun, flash fiction group. You can read submissions or add your work HERE.  Comments welcome, as long as they are respectful and helpful, not hateful.

Category: Sci-fi/Romance

Words: 100

Rating: PG

Copyright-Renee Heath

Copyright-Renee Heath

She had been dancing on a balcony when the wall collapsed. Icy wind stung her limbs as she fell screaming, unwilling to die.  Her dress billowed around her hips and a warm sun caressed her face as her feet touched the pavement.

It was a different street, different town, different time, but it was familiar.  It was as if someone plucked her memories to create a new reality. Then she saw him, dead, gone from her life for three years, and she didn’t care if it was heaven, hell or a dream, she was where she wanted to be. With him.


Submit a story or poem, inspired by a weekly photo in this fun, flash fiction group. You can read submissions or add your work HERE.  Comments welcome, as long as they are respectful and helpful, not hateful. Category: Drama Words: 100 Rating: PG



Photo Copyright – Douglas M. MacIlroy

Her mind roiled like an angry ocean as it plodded through her anxiety. The dream was intense,  it contorted her sleeping limbs as her head rolled over the pillow. Teddy bears sunk under waves as Barbie plunged off a cliff.

Shortly before her sleepy eyes greeted the morning sun, she had a vision of a white cat emerging from the surf. It circled her ankles and led her to safety. When her mom entered to wake her for school she sat up, her decision made.

“I want a Hello Kitty birthday party momma!” Seven year old Jenny beamed.

Submit a story or poem, inspired by a weekly photo in this fun, flash fiction group. You can read submissions or add your work HERE.  Comments welcome, as long as they are respectful and helpful, not hateful.

Category: Humor

Words: 76

Rating: PG


“You’re an idiot!” Sean spouted, brushing dirt from his pants.

“Hey, I did the best I could!” Jake shouted.

“Yeah, right! Biggest party of the year, Brit’s summer spree, the place where are the cool kids gather and what do you do? You make us look stupid!” Sean said storming  off.

“Hey, I practiced that spell over and over! It’s not my fault that I said tree instead of spree!” He yelled, chasing after his friend.

Submit a story or poem, inspired by a weekly photo in this fun, flash fiction group. You can read submissions or add your work HERE,  Comments welcome, as long as they are respectful and helpful, not hateful.

Category: Humor

Words: 98

Rating: PG-13 Language


Copyright Randy Maize – 2013

“Buzz! I never expected to find you here!”  Nanny exclaimed

“Me either, but when I heard the news of his death, I had to come.”

“How sweet Buzz.”

“Not really, I just wanted to make sure that gruff old bastard Billy was in there! Good riddance to bad rubbish.”

Nanny chuckled.

Alastair, a talented photographer and writer has started a new fiction group that meets weekly to pen 150 words based on a photo.  Check out this weeks offering and submit one of your own HERE. You can also check out Alistair’s work at his blog.


Ominous clouds gathered as wind churned the water into a frenzy. He never anticipated this when he talked Marcie into whitewater rafting. He had risen at five a.m., enticed her with coffee at five-thirty and was on the road by six. An ancient man with a beard gave them a safety lesson and they hit the water at eight. Marcie growled as they left the pier.

They returned three hours later as mother nature turned the world, and river, upside down. He was clawing at the bank when he saw them sink to the bottom. He had to return to the water or face certain death, or severe punishment. Diving into the froth, he held his breath as he searched the murky bottom with hands and eyes. Then he saw it. Clenching his fist, he floated up. Breaking the surface, he held them over his head..

“I found the car keys Hon!”

Her glare morphed into a smile.


I already released two kids into the world. One is gone, and one is near with his spouse and kids. Now I am raising three grand kids. It doesn’t get any easier. The oldest has turned eighteen, he was dragged through high school kicking and screaming, but we pulled him through. He is done with all high school classes and all that is left is the graduation ceremony. He attends the local vocational school, specializing in Aviation and Aeronautics. He is a math and engineering whiz who thinks far beyond my capabilities. He will graduate from there in less than three weeks.

However, he is still young!  Even though he is eighteen and almost done with school, I could pull out the  “it’s a school night” excuse to enforce a curfew, but he was always home at least an hour before his curfew.  As a parent, I LOVED this! He was home and all was right with the world. Time after time I would give him permission to stay out late on a Friday or Saturday night, but he would be home by ten or eleven.

He works flight simulators like some of us breathe. His brain is a human calculator. He doesn’t drive, smoke or drink. He is home after school each day and is here until bed. He has friends over and they work on computers, listen to music and eat. He is a good kid with little world experience. I tried to push him out of the nest, urged him to join clubs, go to friends houses or get a job, but he was happiest at home. I know that I have to shove him into the world. He has to drive , get a job, a place to live, form relationships.

But, the mommy in me was pleased that he was home safe and I didn’t have to worry. Then today came! He left here at 7 pm with a friend and at midnight he still wasn’t home. I was thrilled and nervous at the same time. He is over eighteen and able to stay out as late as he wants, but you can’t turn off the worry or desire to have your chickens in the coop before bed. I had to. He is a hard-working man, with above average intelligence who was taught core values.

He came home, later than usual tonight, and I found out why. In the late 1970’s a “friend” stole a large portion of my vinyl record collection. I know they sold them for drugs but didn’t have valid proof, I let it go, but I have always mourned the loss of those albums. Many were gifts from friends, my mom, aunts and cousins. Turns out, my boy was out scouring second-hand shops and music outlets for these records. He purchased many for mother’s day! He only gave me three as a teaser, but he left my mouth-watering!

This encounter left me a greater gift. I know that his heart, and head are in the right place. He is ready to enter the world, meet women and pursue a career. He is green, but he is well armed. My conversations with him have shown me that he is an intelligent man. He is open-minded and tolerant. He has a strong work ethic. He embraces music and the written word. He has a soft spot for animals and children. He is a computer geek and math whiz who talks about aeronautics as easy as as I take a breath. He is good with people and adjusts to each circumstance. He will make mistakes,and ask for help and I will stand by and let him, it’s my job.

Once again, I have to release the hand of a boy and let the world have the man. I can still see him running over the yard, his golden curls bouncing in the sun.  He will do great things and I have to back away and let him do it.

Submit a poem or short story of 100 words or less, inspired by a weekly photo in this fun, flash fiction group. You can read submissions or add your work HERE, or click on the little blue guy at the bottom.

Writing tips, typo alerts and comments welcome, as long as they are respectful and helpful, not hateful.

Category: Drama?
Words: 99
Rating: PG

kent-bonhamCopyright Kent-Bonham

In his youth the balconies resembled glasses, spying on his every move. His mother peered through, calling out if he wandered close to the street. His fondest wish was for her to let him alone.

Thirty years later, his young son in tow, he fought tears as the building watched their approach. Watching no longer, Mom was in bed, nearing the end. He took her hand as he kept a watchful eye on his young son, riding a bike  on the walk below.  Gratitude and love stung his eyes.