It’s time once again, for the weekly, 100 word exercise known as the “Friday Fictioneers”. Go HERE to read the stories or submit one of your own.

“I can’t do this,” she moaned, falling into a booth. What made her think she could run her own diner? Up at five, she was cook, busboy, hostess, maid and cashier. Cash flow only let her hire one girl for the busy lunch hour.

Pulled from the seat by a knock at the door, she found her hubby, arms full of take-out.  Ordering her into a booth, he cleaned the kitchen as she ate, than bundled her in the car.

“I can do this, but not alone,” she smiled, squeezing his hand as she dozed off.

They were gonna make it work.

  1. boomiebol says:

    Awww..sweet story. Love it, i know they will do great 🙂

  2. Nice story of a couple having each others back.

  3. I like the love shown by the everyday things here, yet things that are still over and above.

  4. Sandra says:

    That was nice; sometimes pulling together is the only way to get through. Good one.

  5. I loved this. My parents owned a restaurant when I was a child so I remember the stresses. This lady has a keeper for a husband. Nicely done.

  6. Dear Ms. Turnip,

    This was sweet and tear inducing. One of your best to date. The last sentence is wonderful.



  7. How sweet. Hubby comes to the rescue. I love this.

  8. Tom Poet says:

    What a sweet story. I let out a big AWWWWWWW after reading this. Nice job. It’s the little things we do for each other that make life easier.


  9. Linda says:

    What a lovely sentiment, and what a turn from can’t to can. I really enjoyed this as it made me think that life’s alright really 🙂 Here’s mine as we don’t have the inkylinky thing yet:

  10. I’m glad her husband will help. I do wonder, though, why he wasn’t helping her right at the very beginning, lol.

  11. Hi ST,
    What an uplifting and loving story. Sort of the opposite of my story. Loved it! Ron

  12. Sweet story (like everyone else).
    But… I want a husband like him! 😉


  13. Anne Orchard says:

    Nice to see the positive side of relationships also makes a good story!
    Mine’s over here this week

  14. Parul says:

    I too have a strong feeling they’ll make it work!
    Nice optimistic story!

  15. Pete says:

    Teamwork. The secret of a stable marriage and a well run diner!

  16. Russell says:

    My hands choked up and I got lumps in my typing fingers. I think we all let out a collective Awwww after the last line. You did good, girl.

  17. billgncs says:

    hello — liked this. My aunt ran a small restaurant in Arkansas and she worked from sunrise to sunset. This post reminds me of her.

    I liked the teamwork, that made me smile….

    ps even your chocolate sounds like art

  18. Lora says:

    Let’s hope he continues to support her. Not many husbands would. They prefer their wives at home cooking and baking in their own kitchens.

  19. SAM says:

    I enjoyed this. It’s nice to know sweet husbands do exist.

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