Friday Fictioneers 12-8/12

Posted: December 6, 2012 in Uncategorized

Every week, writers around the world participate in a group that has come to be known as “The Friday Fictioneers.”  Every Wednesday, Rochelle Wissof-Fields posts a photo to inspire our creative juices. You can write and submit your own, 100 word story or simply read the admissions. Writers give, and receive constructive criticism to better their craft.  Click on the blue face below to read, comment or submit.


I did two extremely short pieces this week as the photo of Ted inspired me as much as the main photo, I kept them short and sweet.


Uncle Ted was a self-subscribed fashion plate. Every year at Christmas he showed up in the latest style, whether it worked or not. She smiled at the memory of nineteen-seventy five, the year uncle Ted drank too much and fell asleep on the couch.

When his brothers woke him to take a picture, he leaped to his feet, striking his customary pose. It’s too bad he hadn’t noticed that they pants him!



Copyright-Rich Voza

The cold, sterile hall, long a source of pain and impending loss, was now a launch ramp. His steps were light as he practiced the words to tell her she had been deemed cancer free!


  1. Dear Ms. Turnip,

    Both pieces were suffused with your voice, one mischevous and the other joyous. I enjoyed them both.



  2. Brevity was definitely the soul of wit here, Turnip. Loved them both.

  3. Sandra says:

    Great contrast in the two pieces – loved them both. Liked the idea of the corridor being a launch ramp – very original take.

  4. I enjoyed them both and that first picture really is worth a thousand words (don’t worry– you don’t have to cut 900!) In the second piece, you conveyed a world of feelings and stories with just those few words.

    I think “self-proclaimed” works better than “self-subscribed” in the first sentence of the first piece.

  5. Nicely done. “Launch ramp” was a great choice.

  6. wmqcolby says:

    I see you found Ted’s picture an inspiration — rightfully so! Nice ending, too! As for the other, I liked the poetic touch.

  7. Hi Swirly,
    Two good stories.. Second one is amazing in its brevity, yet completeness. I thought the photo looked like if might be a hospital or medical clinic. Ron

  8. Parul says:

    Nice work on both the pics!
    Uncle Ted would have been a fun company! 😀

  9. That’s the kind of news that’s great to deliver. 🙂 Loved the first story too.

  10. The first one was so much fun. The second one is warm and encouraging.

  11. mari wells says:

    I love double whamies. Great stories.

  12. brudberg says:

    Very nice stories enjoyed both. 🙂

  13. billgncs says:

    one made me laugh, and the other made me smile.

  14. Russell says:

    I’m surprised Ted did start a trend with his flashy outfit. It was the sock and sandals that made it for me. I loved the 2nd piece too. It’s nice to see a happy ending once in a while.

  15. Love the wit – and Love the joy! Nicely done! 🙂

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