Friday Fictioneers 10/19/12

Posted: October 18, 2012 in Fiction, short stories, Uncategorized, writing
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It’s once more time for the weekly photo prompt exercise known as the Friday Fictioneers. Thanks to Madison Woods and all of her generous photo contributors, a lucky group of us get the chance to read, or write our own 100 word stories based on the prompt. Mine is below the picture, the link to find the other stories or directions for adding your’s is below.

Thank you Madison and WELCOME Rochelle!

Lounging on a bench, she swore the bus was glaring at her. Tossing her hat on the seat, she vowed to chuck it all, and watching the milling, often crabby travelers only strengthened her resolve.

Floating snippets of conversation gave her pause and chipped away at her anger.  Things like “first grandchild,” ” I really need this job,” “may be  the last time I see mom alive,” filtered through.

Realizing her’s was a small role in a larger plan, she reclaimed the driver’s seat and put it in gear.

  1. I really liked this one. I liked that she heard the snippets of conversation. We have some similarities you’ll see once I post. One note: “hers” doesn’t need an apostrophe. It’s possessive without it.
    Thanks for the welcome.

  2. Trudy says:

    I didn’t realise she was the driver until the end, which I really liked, and that she reconnected with her role in life by listening to others. A really nice little story.

  3. dmmacilroy says:

    Another fine tribute and a stand alone tale about a slice of time in the life of a person we often tend to take for granted. The drivers, pilots, captains of this world. They have our lives in their hand for hours at a time. Having been a pilot, i try to thank them every chance i get. Good job.



  4. Sandra says:

    Nice one, a scene that must get played out many places, many times.

  5. brudberg says:

    I get a little ominous feeling here. I almost feel the driver has some sinister motive with the passengers.

  6. Sheila says:

    I’ve always loved how there’s all different ways to look at one thing or situation. I’m glad the snippets of conversation helped turned things around a bit.

  7. Hi ST,
    Loved the snippets of conversation that changed the driver’s mind, and how we only find out it is the driver at the very end. Well crafted! Ron

  8. rgayer55 says:

    This was smashing, Turnip. I enjoy sitting on the sideline and hearing those snippets of conversation. It reminds me that we are not the only human on the planet who has needs, suffers heartache, and longs for love. You drove that point home extremely well. Congrats.

  9. writeondude says:

    A nice slice of American life. Well done.

  10. rich says:

    great, the driver recognized that it wasn’t just driving a bus. it was helping others accomplish their goals. good way to look at life’s smaller moments.

  11. Lora says:

    I didn’t realize these were the driver’s thoughts until the end. Can you imagine all the stories drivers could tell…and write? Or I wonder if they get tired and grumpy, driving the same route day by day, and tuning it all out?

  12. vb holmes says:

    “Realizing her’s was a small role in a larger plan….” Even our routine acts impact the lives of others, and recognizing that, our seemingly mundane lives assume a greater importance.

  13. billgncs says:

    a fine glass half full story

  14. That was wonderful twist of the inner prism.

  15. I love the way she became conscious of hers being a small part of a much larger picture. That’s the only route to balance in life, I think.

  16. Very very nice. 🙂

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